Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication hosts another diverse and interesting programme of visiting speakers for the Spring semester. Over the next few weeks, guest speakers from production, rights and editorial departments, representing many different sectors of publishing, will come and speak to our cohort.
We are delighted to have Andrea Joyce, Rights Director at Canongate Books, to begin the programme on March 1, followed by Johnny Gallant, director of Edinburgh book distributor Alban Books on March 8. On March 15, Peter Dennis of Leckie and Leckie will give us the benefit of his experience at this educational publisher now owned by HarperCollins, while on March 22 we will host publisher, author and academic Miha Kovač. Miha is the author of Never Mind The Web; Here Comes The Book and is spending a week at the Centre teaching and giving seminars. On March 29 we have Kyle Macrae and Allan Guthrie of Blasted Heath digital publishing in conversation with Padmini Ray Murray, lecturer at the Centre.
After the mid-semester break, author Sarah Rayner gives a writer’s perspective on the industry on April 12, and on April 19, Vivian Marr, Head of Language Acquisition at Oxford University Press, will talk about the business operation behind this publisher’s content licensing activities. Our final session on April 26 hosts Sara Hunt from independent publisher Saraband Books.
Attendance at all visiting speaker sessions is free but there is limited space so please register via to book a place.