English Literature

Aija Oksman, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2012-14

January 19th, 2013 by Aija | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Aija Oksman, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2012-14
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As I completed my Bachelor’s degree in English Literature at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, I was left with a conundrum of what to do next. Having been a expatriate since twelve years, I planned to keep at it, and hence I arrived in Edinburgh. I set up my humble home in Edinburgh city and began my studies at Stirling. I had lived in Ireland before, and had truly enjoyed the general jovial atmosphere I experienced there – and after some queries, I was informed Scotland is much, much better – and in all aspects nonetheless. Shocking, eh?

As I have a strong passion for literature and theatre, and anything to do with the written and spoken word in any form – be it poetry, songs, fiction, ghost writing or anything else – and having learned foreign langauges since I was very young, I have always appreciated the fine nuances of languages that make them unique. My goal is one day to be able to work with minority and translation literatures as I believe that is where my strength lies. But on the road there, I wish to expand my abilities and knowledge as much and have it as varied as humanly possible. And enjoy my life whilst doing it.