Arundati Dandapani

Arundati Dandapani, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2011-12

October 6th, 2011 by Arundati_Dandapani | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Arundati Dandapani, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2011-12
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I hail from India, and hold a bachelor’s degree in English with minors in political science and writing from USA. I have interned in Washington DC, and worked in New Delhi and Mumbai for nearly four years. An MLitt in Publishing Studies seemed like the inevitable next step for someone who is not just interested in long copy, short copy or sales, but has a ghoulish appetite for the book as a commodity. What I love about University of Stirling’s Publishing Studies program are its integrated course modules, hands-on publishing projects, market research experiences, specialized IT workshops as well as the exposure to distinguished speakers and industry insiders. The diverse classroom @stirpublishing offers several opportunities to battle off different viewpoints and attitudes to book technology, media, and the business of publishing across a broad spectrum of cultures. I hope to gain significant work experience in the Publishing World before I open up my own little publishing house one day. In my spare time, I consult at a phone retail bookstore, blog about books and can be tracked in the classroom on Twitter. Other loves include long distance swims and fragrant foods. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn !