Title: Transnational Scottish Book Marketing to a Diasporic Audience, 1995-2015 (Thesis available via STORRE)
Topic: My thesis analyses the transnational marketing strategies of Scottish publishing companies. The book industry in Scotland is primarily composed of small, independent publishing houses, many of which sell books that are Scottish interest. These books may be set in Scotland, contain elements of Scottish themes such as Scottish history or mythology, or be written by Scottish authors. This thesis investigates what makes a book “Scottish”, if and why Scottish books appeal to certain transnational markets and how small Scottish publishers can focus marketing strategies to reach these audiences.
Research interests: International marketing, small business marketing, Scottish diaspora history, Scottish book history, niche publishing, marketing, rights and export
- Professor Claire Squires (Stirling Centre for International Publishing & Communication)
- Dr Ian Fillis (Stirling Management School)
- Society of the History of Authorship, Readership and Publishing Travel Grant, September 2014
- Catherine Mackichan Bursary Trust Award, 2014, 2015
- Charles O. Gordon Scholarship (for the study of Scottish Gaelic), March 2014
- Santander Travel Grant (for travel to the USA for interviews), February 2014
- A Creative Enlightenment grant, February 2014
- Tiree Tech Wave travel bursary, October 2013
Publications and Papers:
- ‘The Power of the Small Press: Entrepreneurial Marketing and Disruption of the Industry’, in TXT. (Forthcoming.)
- ‘Book Review: The History of Oxford University Press’, Quaerendo. (Forthcoming.)
- ‘Entrepreneurship and Marketing in the Publishing Industry’, in Handbook on Marketing and Entrepreneurship eds. Ian Fillis and Nicholas Telford, (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar). (Forthcoming.)
- ‘The Intersection of Business and Books: A Small Business Marketing Approach to Scottish Publishing’, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, Montreal, July 2015
- ‘Put a Kilt on It: The Role of Nationality in Twenty-First Century Book Marketing’, By the Book Conference, Florence, May 2015
- “A Global God: Transnational Presbyterian Publishing and the Case of Saint Andrew Press”, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Conference, University of Antwerp, September 2014.
- “Romanticizing the Homeland: Views of Scotland for Scottish-Americans in Las Vegas” Home/less Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Kent, June 2014.
- “Books as Souvenirs: The Tourism and Heritage Book Market”, By the Book Conference, Florence, May 2014.
- “International Success: Selling Niche Titles Beyond the Prime Home Market” in Publishing
Research Quarterly, Volume 28, Issue 4, December 2012.