Working Title: Read Write City: Towards a city-wide strategy in support of reading, writing and publishing.
Topic: In collaboration with Glasgow Life my research aims to inform the development of a literary strategy for the city of Glasgow. The study examines current involvement with literature across the city and is looking at ways in which Glasgow can become a city of people who actively engage in reading and writing.
This research seeks to explore connectivity between different aspects of the literary infrastructure, whilst examining the reach and scope of existing projects in the city, as well as successful approaches used in communities elsewhere in the UK and across the world which might usefully be applied to Glasgow’s particular set of challenges and possibilities.
Research interests: book culture, creative writing, publishing, communities, cities, endogenous growth, creative industries, community engagement, cultural production, identity.
- Professor Claire Squires (Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication),
- Professor Richard Haynes (University of Stirling, Department of Communications, Media and Culture),
- Jean Cameron, Senior Arts Officer (Glasgow Life)
Scholarships: AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award
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