Louise Sinclair, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2011-12

December 6th, 2011 | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Louise Sinclair, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2011-12

When I graduated with a degree in English Language from The University of Edinburgh this summer, it was with very little idea of what I wanted to do.  Whenever I told people what my degree was in they would say “Oh, so are you going to be a teacher then?” and for a while that was my plan.  However, I wasn’t sure that it was really the right path for me.  It was not until almost the end of my final year that the idea of a career in publishing occurred to me, and at that point in time doing a Masters was the last thing on my mind (one dissertation seemed more than enough)!  I then began to do more research about Publishing and the more I looked into the course at Stirling University, the more I realised that it was an opportunity not to be missed.  Books have always appealed to me and reading is one of my favourite pastimes, so progressing in to a career in publishing seems natural.

We are now a few weeks in to the course and I’m already thoroughly enjoying it, even though the work is never ending!  The department and everyone in it is great, as are my fellow classmates and I can see that it is going to be a great year.  You can follow my exploits on Twitter and connect with me on LinkedIn.