Louisa Preston, PhD in Publishing Studies

March 6th, 2015 | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Louisa Preston, PhD in Publishing Studies


LPrestonWorking Title: An Analysis of Established and Emergent Practices of Working in Interdisciplinary Working Partnerships in relation to Digital Technologies, Audience Engagement and Production of Culture.

Topic: Exploring the possibilities digital technologies lend to cultural producers and audiences, for the activities of producing, disseminating and engaging with visual culture and literature is the focus of this research.

By investigating established and emerging practices of producing and engaging with cultural artefacts and experiences, as people explore creative possibilities with digital technologies, I aim to contribute to an understanding of the implications of this activity for arts and cultural organisations.

Three case studies are the focus for the research, which have involved collaborations and partnerships between arts and cultural organisations and technology companies.

This PhD is being carried out jointly at the Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication, University of Stirling and the School of Management, University of St Andrews.

The research degree is associated with the Consortium for Research in Arts and Technology in Scotland (CReATeS) and is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Creative Scotland and the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA).

Research interests (keywords): Publishing, Visual Culture, Creative Industries, Audience Engagement, Digital Technologies, Cultural Production, Practice Theories, Identity Work



  • The University of Stirling Impact Studentship Fund, 2013
  • University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary  PhD Studentship, 2013
  • AHRC/Creative Scotland/NESTA Research and Development Consortium Project Funding, 2013
  • Arts Trust of Scotland Award, funding for a month long research trip to Tokyo, 2006
  • Networking Artists’ Network, ‘Go See’ Bursary for Research trip to Bucharest Romania, 2006
  • Scottish Arts Council, individual funding to support creative development, 2006
  • Dundee Visual Artists Award, 2005, 2006, 2008
  • The Royal Scottish Academy’s John Kinross Scholarship, 2004

Publications and Papers:

Forthcoming paper:
Preston, L., 2015. Producing publics: The bookspotting app and the “social life of the book” – regenerating publishing practices and reader relationships. In: SHARP (Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing) 23rd annual conference on the generation and regeneration of books. Longueil/Montreal, Canada, 7-10 July 2015.

Article in peer-reviewed journal:
Preston, L. 2013., ‘Publishing and visual culture: symbiotic relationships and the impact of technology on publishing strategies and activity‘ Book 2.0 3:1, pp.25-43.

Exhibition Catalogues:
Brownrigg, J. 2006. AWOL in Romania. In: O, Tanase ed. 2006. Absent without leave (AWOL) Young Artists’ Biennial, 2nd Edition, Bucharest 2006. Bucharest: META Publishing House. pp.8-49.

Catto, A. and McGowan, K. eds., 2006. Dundee Visual Artists Awards Scheme. Dundee: Scottish Arts Council and Dundee City Council. p.30.


University of St Andrews, School of Management

Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/prestonlouisa

Twitter: @louisa_preston