Hunter Sleeth, MLitt in Publishing 2017-2018

October 25th, 2017 | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Hunter Sleeth, MLitt in Publishing 2017-2018

In middle school, at a parent teacher conference, my teachers told my parents that I needed to read less in class. I was the only kid in my class to ever get told off for reading. In school. From that point on, I realised my future had to revolve around books.

I ended up studying Book and Media and English Literature at the University of Toronto. A program of study in which reading was essential, and I couldn’t get in trouble for it. For four years, I have focused on the stories and the characters in novels. As much as writing my own book sounds thrilling, I want to help get authors work onto book shelves for other people to enjoy.

Having spent my entire life in Canada, deciding to attend the University of Stirling was a very easy one to make. Books have always taken me on great adventures, but now I get to spend my days exploring a new country. I am interested in publishing because it means I will get to work with books; but at the moment, I do not know what part of the business I want to work in. I am excited to learn about all aspects, and eventually finding the right fit for me.

You can find me on Twitter.