Working Title: Live Literature and Cultural Value: An Ethnographic Exploration
Topic: I research contemporary live literature, using ethnography to understand and communicate the nature, effects and cultural value of live literary events.
Research interests: Live literature, literary studies, publishing studies, literary culture, ethnography, contemporary culture, interdisciplinarity, creative writing, censorship, freedom of expression.
- Prof Claire Squires (Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication)
- Dr Katie Halsey (Division of Literature & Languages)
Scholarships: AHRC Block Grant Partnership funding.
Publications and Papers: My first book Saffron Shadows and Salvaged Scripts: Literary Life in Myanmar under Censorship and in Transition, an ethnographic monograph including interviews with three generations of Burmese writers and new translations of their work, will be published by Columbia University Press in July 2015. An extract from the book, ‘The Tiger’ (including an interview with the author Win Tin), is reproduced here. For other publications and more information, please see the linked pages below.
Links: Website – Twitter – – LinkedIn – Live short stories