Ever since nursery my imagination has seeped into my work, either through drawings or stories. Fast-forward to high school where I studied To Kill a Mockingbird at Higher level – this was when I knew I wanted a career involving books. As many Publishing students do, I studied English Literature at university (alongside Film and Media). Throughout my undergraduate course I thoroughly enjoyed critical writing, particularly covering the themes of feminism and psychoanalysis. I wrote my dissertation on the different ways in which Jane Austen has been reinvented in contemporary culture, through film, fan-fiction, and guidance books. By the end of my Honours a decision was upon me – do I go down the academic route, or into the publishing industry?
Stirling’s MLitt in Publishing Studies caught my eye when I first moved to Stirling in 2013. I decided I’d prefer a career in the publishing industry; it seems more accessible with many opportunities. As well as this, I think there is a magic surrounding bookshops – I used to go to Waterstones on my break from work just to relax and zone out. Like most book fanatics, I have a big collection of books and I wanted to learn why and how they’re made.
So far I am thoroughly enjoying the course, particularly the social aspect because I was so used to studying and completing assignments alone. The best thing about the course is the range of publishing departments covered, including editorial, marketing, design, and production. Throughout university I’ve proofread many of my friends’ essays. As a member of the ‘grammar police’ (apparently), I am gravitating toward copy-editing and proofreading roles, but I expect this may change. I am currently going to as many SYP events, book fairs/festivals, book launches, etc. as I can fit in, and applying for internships.
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