Claire Jeffery, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2012-2013

December 2nd, 2012 | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Claire Jeffery, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2012-2013
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I appear to have come to publishing in a very roundabout manner. I loved books as a child but, as I grew up, I switched to reading stories written online – even when electronic books were still just a fanciful concept. Because of this I have a certain love of eBooks and find digital publishing fascinating. Even then, I still considered publishing to be an unrealistic dream and decided to get a sensible degree in the “easy” subjects of Economics and Chinese.

And what I discovered was that these subjects only got me more interested in studying publishing. Who couldn’t look at an Economics presentation and worry mainly about the consistency of the slides? And in translation, who wouldn’t become more fascinated by the subtleties of their own language when attempting to translate from another? While studying abroad, I visited museums with old manuscripts and wandered through shops with the latest technology. I came back home determined to find a way in which my background in business and language could get me into publishing.

And so here I am. Entering the publishing market on the cusp of industry-defining changes. And I couldn’t be more excited for what the future holds.