Student Profiles

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Eilidh Sutherland, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-18

October 30th, 2017 by Eilidh Sutherland | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Eilidh Sutherland, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-18

Ever since nursery my imagination has seeped into my work, either through drawings or stories. Fast-forward to high school where I studied To Kill a Mockingbird at Higher level – this was when I knew I wanted a career involving books. As many Publishing students do, I studied English Literature at university (alongside Film and Media). Throughout my undergraduate course I thoroughly enjoyed critical writing, particularly covering the themes of feminism and psychoanalysis. I wrote my dissertation on the different ways in which Jane Austen has been reinvented in contemporary culture, through film, fan-fiction, and guidance books. By the end of my Honours a decision was upon me – do I go down the academic route, or into the publishing industry?

Stirling’s MLitt in Publishing Studies caught my eye when I first moved to Stirling in 2013. I decided I’d prefer a career in the publishing industry; it seems more accessible with many opportunities. As well as this, I think there is a magic surrounding bookshops – I used to go to Waterstones on my break from work just to relax and zone out. Like most book fanatics, I have a big collection of books and I wanted to learn why and how they’re made.

So far I am thoroughly enjoying the course, particularly the social aspect because I was so used to studying and completing assignments alone. The best thing about the course is the range of publishing departments covered, including editorial, marketing, design, and production. Throughout university I’ve proofread many of my friends’ essays. As a member of the ‘grammar police’ (apparently), I am gravitating toward copy-editing and proofreading roles, but I expect this may change. I am currently going to as many SYP events, book fairs/festivals, book launches, etc. as I can fit in, and applying for internships.

Find me on Twitter or have a nosey on my personal blog! ????

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Hunter Sleeth, MLitt in Publishing 2017-2018

October 25th, 2017 by Hunter Sleeth | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Hunter Sleeth, MLitt in Publishing 2017-2018

In middle school, at a parent teacher conference, my teachers told my parents that I needed to read less in class. I was the only kid in my class to ever get told off for reading. In school. From that point on, I realised my future had to revolve around books.

I ended up studying Book and Media and English Literature at the University of Toronto. A program of study in which reading was essential, and I couldn’t get in trouble for it. For four years, I have focused on the stories and the characters in novels. As much as writing my own book sounds thrilling, I want to help get authors work onto book shelves for other people to enjoy.

Having spent my entire life in Canada, deciding to attend the University of Stirling was a very easy one to make. Books have always taken me on great adventures, but now I get to spend my days exploring a new country. I am interested in publishing because it means I will get to work with books; but at the moment, I do not know what part of the business I want to work in. I am excited to learn about all aspects, and eventually finding the right fit for me.

You can find me on Twitter.




Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Shangbin Qu, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18

October 23rd, 2017 by Shangbin Qu | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Shangbin Qu, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18
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Hi, my name is Shangbin Qu, you can also call me Annie.  I am currently studying  Publishing Studies course at University of Stirling. I graduated from University of Stirling and Heibei Normal University with 2:1 BA joint degree in Translation and Interpreting.

This is my second year at Stirling. I didn’t change locations for Master studies because I really enjoy in life here, people are so friendly and the campus is beautiful.

From January 2017, I started to take the job as Chinese Student Ambassador at the international office, mainly to help the recruitment manager towards China applications, and a major part of my job is to operate and manage the Wechat public account for Stirling University, which is a widely-used app among Chinese.  By doing this, I known about e-publishing and  interested in publishing studies.

I hope my future career could deal with copyright management, or publishing relating to photo or fashion field.

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

David MacDonald Graham, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-18

October 20th, 2017 by David Graham | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on David MacDonald Graham, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-18

There is a section in C.Lewis’s The Magician’s Nephew, where a lion roars the world into existence, that may be a simplistic reduction but it sums up my approach to most challenges, sometimes you have to roar your world into existence. The Magician’s Nephew, along with Tolkien’s Hobbit were some of the first books I read, enough to captivate the imagination of a young mind and imprint the infinite possibilities and mallability of the written word. My local library also had a wide selection of graphic novels, including Asterisk, Tintin, and surprisingly some Moebius. We’ll pick up on that point later.

Words, whether read, written or performed, have fascinated me ever since. Stories are everywhere, especially in my home city of Stirling. Having returned after too many years away, you can still feel the legends of Wallace, Bruce et all in the City’s foundations. You can also feel the vibrancy around the M.Litt in Publishing Studies, a course I am very proud to have been accepted on. I came to publishing in a less than stereotypical fashion, I began my working life as a stage actor. Emerging myself in the poetics of ancient Greece or Shakespeare’s grand tragedies, and in the process earning myself a reputation as an ‘academic actor’. It was a label that was certainly apt, I would delve into the histories and culture of the plays I was in, eventually resulting in a desire to study at B.A level. I studied Theatre Studies at the University of York, focusing my dissertation on the progressive morality of Christopher Marlowe in an era where he was perhaps, a man out of time and possibly the very first spy on her majesty’s secret service. Later I returned to acting with a stint at Newcastle’s Performance academy, progressing to a second B.A Hons in Drama from Sunderland. I produced, wrote and performed in a one man show with the premise ‘What if Edgar Allan Poe wrote your life?” as my final piece.  This also kicked off a continuing obsession with Gothic literature and the art of the horror story, I soon devoured the works of Clive Barker, Anne Rice, Stephen King and Lovecraft. Ironically it was the graphic novel adaptation of Anne Rice’s Servant of the Bones that rekindled the childhood passion I had for the comic medium, which had never conclusively left me, but I had never considered it an area of study. The Comic Studies M.Litt. at the University of Dundee soon changed that and I found myself immersed in the sheer flexibility of the medium, every genre imaginable from science fiction to the biographic (Read Maus  by Art Spiegelman for a keen example) and the historical had been adapted at some point. Comics are not just superheroes, comics are for everyone and there is a comic that will resonate with everybody.  It was no surprise that I wanted to produce my own, which in typical fashion led me to an M.Litt. in Writing Study and Practice to improve my creative writing skills. Subsequently I firmly believe that to understand publishing in all its forms, then you also have to see it from the other side. The writers of the future are out there, in any genre or medium, they are out there looking for a platform. Publishing is not simply a business, it is a calling. A call to enhance and progress literature as both a business and an art form, at some point it can be argued that it blurs the line of both. Market it, nurture it, make the absolute best of it. Every Artist’s work deserves the best packaging.

So, to bring it back full circle to the lion, roar your world into existence, nurture and capture the imagination of others, help them to roar. That’s what I aim to bring to publishing.

I have a keen interest in genre, ranging from the aforementioned Gothic to the fantastical, crime, science fiction. The speculative and everything in between, new trends and the emergence of sub-genres (and their applications in a business sense) in the ongoing evolution of the written word.

But to be more concise, here’s the cliff notes.

Pop culture lover, genre enthusiast. Passionate about music, performance, comics and all forms you can write in, about, and everything in-between. Previous dissertations include: Sexual fluidity in the modern graphic novel, Marlowe and Morality, a creative writing portfolio and the Connections between ritual and creativity.
Actor, Writer, Presenter, future Publisher, moonlights as a Bingo Caller.

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Christina Neuwirth, PhD in Publishing Studies

October 20th, 2017 by Christina Neuwirth | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Christina Neuwirth, PhD in Publishing Studies
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Working Title: Women of Words: Gender equality in contemporary writing and publishing in Scotland

Topic: In collaboration with Scottish Book Trust, my research aims to identify the barriers to women’s equal and effective involvement in writing and publishing in Scotland, and find ways in which those barriers might be overcome.

Research interests: creative writing, publishing, communities, intersectional feminism, LGBTQ+ studies, home, language learning, magical realism, cities (created, constructed, rebuilt), identity.


Studentships: SGSAH AHRC Creative Economies Studentship (CES) Women of Words

Christina on Twitter: @gwynn255
Christina on LinkedIn


Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Ewa Balcerzyk, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18

October 19th, 2017 by Ewa Balcerzyk | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Ewa Balcerzyk, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18
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As most people studying on my course at Stirling, I’m hoping turn my passion for books into a job in publishing. This brilliant idea first occurred to me during my undergraduate course (Mediterranean Civilisation at the University of Warsaw in Poland), when I was attending some basic editing classes. However, I chose not to give up cultural studies and to carry on with a postgraduate degree in the same area. In the meantime, to become acquainted with the publishing world, I attended a one-year postgraduate course in editing and publishing at the Polish Academy of Sciences. Thanks to the skills I acquired there I was able to start working as an editorial assistant in an academic journal at the Institute of Sociology (University of Warsaw). I have also done some proofreading for the Warsaw University Press.

My publishing ambitions are centred around academic books. For a lot of my peers this doesn’t seem to be the most thrilling part of the industry, but for me this is where the most important work is done. Already during my first year at the the university I felt that after graduating I would really miss being up to date with all that exciting research going on in the humanities. The problem was that the perspective of becoming an academic seemed a bit daunting to me – I didn’t want to spend my life separated from the rest of the world by the thick university walls. Then one summer day it dawned on me that by working in academic publishing I could have the best of both worlds – I could have a “real” job and at the same be involved in the process of developing new knowledge!

The first few weeks of the publishing course here at Stirling have definitely showed me that there is much more to publishing books than just copy-editing. What’s more important, they convinced me that with enough determination I too will soon be a professional publisher.

You can find me on Twitter.

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Bea Joubert, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18

October 9th, 2017 by Bea Joubert | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Bea Joubert, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-18
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I used to get into trouble for reading.

My mother would call my name 4, 5, 10 times, trying to yank my attention away from the pages my nose was buried in. Luckily, she never stayed mad for long, and I never stopped reading. I began writing, too, as readers often do; that pursuit led me to my first Creative Writing class at the University of British Columbia in Kelowna, B.C. While I enjoyed developing my writing skills (which I still do every day), the best part of that class for me was editing my fellow students’ work.

After a semester at UBC I transferred to Mount Royal University in Calgary, where I eventually got my undergrad in English Lit. I took all the creative writing classes available to me, eventually co-editing the Advanced Poetry class project, a collection of poetry we’d written throughout the term. Knowing I wanted to be an editor, I then set my sights on the Publishing Program at the University of Stirling.

Before I could get my toes into the MLitt, though, I had to get a graduate diploma in Media & Humanities; here I was fortunate enough to be able to pursue a research topic of my choosing. Naturally, I chose to study what I love, and wrote ~15,000 words on Editing in the Creative Writing Workshop.

Currently, in the MLitt Publishing program, I’m learning everything necessary to be the editor extraordinaire I know I am fated to be. Getting comfortable with InDesign is especially enjoyable for me, and not an area I thought I’d be particularly good at … proof that one doesn’t need to be an artist to understand (and love) great design.

In other news, I’m super into Craft Beer, Tarantino movies, tweeting about books and cats and Canada, and Shakespeare (duh?).
twitter: @BeaJoubert

instagram: Bea Joubert

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Sofia Fernandez, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-2018

October 7th, 2017 by Sofia Fernandez | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Sofia Fernandez, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2017-2018
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Last year I found out Publishing entails all I ever felt passionate for in life. On 2012 I chose to study an undergraduate degree in English Philology in my birth country, Spain, because of my interest on language processing and English language literature. During the last five past years I understood that not only the meaning of the text started to be important to me, but the aesthetics. I enjoy paying attention to the way the writing is presented, by means of the cover of the book and the entire layout. All these interests stood to reason when I attended a careers advice meeting in which an old student of the university lectured about her work on Blackwell Publishing after finishing her literature degree and I became fascinated with the editorial field work.

I then applied for an internship in “Opera Prima”, an independent editorial established in Madrid. I worked there during three months carrying out different activities in all the departments because the firm is very small. I took part on edition tasks (style editing, layout, proofreading and complete design of the book), promotion department (contact with media, design of newsletters, follow-up of promotion campaigns) and the distribution of books (registration of books in the commercial circuit, activation of the inputs in bookshops, invoicing and delivery shipment). After this internship I decided to study book design more in depth by attending to an Adobe InDesign course certificate. Moreover, on December 2016 I worked on Fnac enterprise as a shop assistant during three months and had the opportunity to be present on the commercial circuit of books on a real bookstore. I then decided to apply for a job position in Elle magazines and I got hired. However, the job conditions were very bad because, being completely honest, Spain is not doing great on the economy recovery after the financial crisis we had. 

As a result, I thought that undertaking a postgraduate in publishing studies at the University of Stirling would be a huge opportunity to gain experience on the field in another language, and fulfill my career ambitions ABROAD! (And also because there is so much more I do not know yet…) Now that classes have started I feel I am having the time of my life because I cannot believe all the chances the University offers to get involved in the profession. Moreover, apart from the lectures and several practical exercises that put you on the situation of working in the business, I am very excited to create my own physical publishing project (a book). This encourages me to show the best that is in me and demonstrate I can make a contribution to the field. I am here to stay. Hurray for publishing and its exciting world!

Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Katie Lumsden, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-2018

October 6th, 2017 by Katie Lumsden | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Katie Lumsden, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-2018
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Hi, I’m Katie and I’m currently on the Publishing Studies course at the University of Stirling. I also completed my undergraduate course at Stirling, graduating in June 2017 with a 2:1 BA (Hons) degree in English Studies. So it’s safe to safe, I’m a bibliophile, and I love Stirling!

I’ve been interested in writing and reading literature, and books in general, from before I could even read (bet you’ve never heard that cliché before!) I would carry books around with me and force my parents to read them to me until I was able to read them myself. I used to write short stories constantly, and when I first thought about coming to University, I looked into Creative Writing courses. After some research, I realised that I was more interested in the physical creation of the books and the marketing that goes into them once they are published, rather than the writing of them. As Publishing was only offered as a masters course, I figured the best way in would be to apply for English Studies and then apply to the masters course after my undergraduate course, which I did and the rest is history!

During my undergraduate years, a lot of my course was focussed on literature and linguistics, rather than publishing the content. However, the Business Writing and Communication module I completed, and the historical modules which delved into the creation of the first novel and the first ‘marketing’ strategies that were applied, were the ones I found most interesting. This pushed me to apply for the Publishing course and it has been the best decision for me.

Currently, I’m looking to expand my experience within the Publishing industry in areas such as editing, proofreading and marketing. I am actively looking for internships and job vacancies – not only as experience for just now, but to see what roles and careers are available in the future for people just starting out. I’m trying to get involved in as many things as I can: following publishing companies on Twitter, joining the SYP and attending events when I can and having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile for all those important business connections!

Speaking of social media and self-promotion… connect with me on:
Blog (WordPress)

Meet some of our current and recent students on our programmes:

Lea Intelmann, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-2018

October 5th, 2017 by Lea Intelmann | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Lea Intelmann, MLitt Publishing Studies 2017-2018
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From when I was very little, I was a dedicated traveler. I would go to far away countries, space and underseas as well as places that where not to be found on any map. The books I read and the stories I re-lived made me the person I am today. And I’m grateful for that.
So I decided that I wanted to work in publishing and contribute to this. Overwhelmed by the vast selection of subjects I went to study German and International Literature at Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (that’s a teeny tiny city in Germany). I quickly realised how much I liked copy-editing and proofreading. I became better and better at spotting mistakes and improving texts to their very best as my friends and fellow students cluttered me with term-papers and dissertations. To further extend my skills I interned at a small publishing company in Hamburg, where I had the chance to copy-edit complete novels, learn a lot about the daily work in a publishing house as well as interact with authors. I prolonged my studies a bit by studying at the renowned National University of Singapore for one semester before finally finishing my bachelor’s degree. I moved back to my beloved Hamburg and found work as a copy-editor and proofreader for online content. I quickly realised that this wasn’t the way that would lead me towards a publishing career so I applied for the master’s programme in Publishing Studies at the University of Stirling. I appreciate the broad range of skills we are taught in our programme as well as the close relations to the actual publishing industry. Coming to Stirling proved to be a great decision! While studying, I also freelance as a copy-editor and proofreader for different companies, including a translation agency, e-commerce agencies and dissertation-editing services.

Find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.