Hello! I’m Callum. I’d like to say that I’m from a far away place like several of my classmates… But I’m from Falkirk! I studied my undergraduate degree in English Studies and History here at Stirling University and the MLitt in Publishing Studies course made it impossible to resist one more year. As graduate life grew closer I began to realise that I wanted to enjoy a career in which I could combine my passion for literature and my interest in the business and communication between a product and people. The ever-changing world of publishing and the course at Stirling seemed like a perfect fit for me.
I had some experience in the publishing industry before the course when I interned at Gay Times Magazine in London last summer. This experience helped me to realise that I have a great desire to be a part of the process of creating a product that can affect, inspire and ultimately change people’s lives. Alongside my studies, I’ll also be interning at Edinburgh-based children’s and non-fiction independent publisher Floris Books next semester.
It is clear from our first few classes that we will be learning about the many different processes, job roles and sectors of the publishing business which I think will benefit me as I am not entirely sure where I want to end up yet in my future career. Whether I end up working in editorial, marketing or production… I can’t wait to find out!