Laura Florence Jones, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2012-2014

December 13th, 2012 | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Laura Florence Jones, MLitt in Publishing Studies 2012-2014
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Having completed my undergraduate degree in English Literature from the University of Edinburgh I found myself at a loss. How exactly does one find a use for an English Literature degree at such turbulent times? I love books too much to abandon the hope of working with and around them in the future so I had to choose my next step carefully. Studying Publishing at the University of Stirling seemed like a no-brainer after some frantic research. Though Stirling is lovely I couldn’t find it in myself to leave Edinburgh so I decided to study part time to prolong the experience and to get as much as I can out of the degree.


My current work as a sub-editor for an energy company means I have the chance to expand my editing skills helped only further by the course. Every element of the publishing process has fascinated me and I hope that the course helps me find my focus in one department, as is necessary for career direction. My current internship at independent Glasgow publisher Saraband has given me a wide range of experience from slush reading to strategic marketing, from InDesign to app and audiobook development. I owe a lot to Sara and am very thankful for the opportunities she has provided.


Whilst I learn my way around the publishing industry I love to draw, write, blog, all the usual creative stuff. In January 2013 I started a new blog called Publishthings which contains my opinions on news in and around the book industry. I condense my thoughts into tweet-sized bites on Twitter and am far too active on there, feel free to follow me!


I greatly look forward to the next two years and all the challenges coming my way, I hope it prepares me for the ever-changing industry and that vital foot in the doorway.