PhD Studentship with Publishing Scotland and HarperCollins

May 13th, 2018 by | Posted in Blog | Comments Off on PhD Studentship with Publishing Scotland and HarperCollins

In association with Publishing Scotland and HarperCollins, we are offering a fully-funded PhD studentship for October 2018, with the title, ‘Publishing in Scotland 1968-2018: From Cultural Heritage to Digital Engagement’.

The PhD, which will include placements at both Publishing Scotland and HarperCollins, will focus on the following questions:

  • How has the Scottish publishing industry developed in the past five decades and what have been its opportunities and challenges? What is the relationship between these opportunities and challenges and the factors of internationalisation and conglomeration?
  • How are digital technologies, practices, and workflows affecting the publishing industry in the 21st century, and shaping its futures?
  • How has the development of the publishing industry in the period related to ideas of publishing in national and transnational contexts?

Full details of the studentship are available here (pdf): PublishingScotlandHarperCollins_PhDdetails_May2018. Applications are due by Monday 4 June, 12pm BST. Interviews will be held at Publishing Scotland’s offices in Edinburgh on Friday 15 June.