Showcasing our Publishing Projects

May 19th, 2014 by Amalia Koulakioti | Posted in Blog | Comments Off on Showcasing our Publishing Projects
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After months of struggling with our publishing projects and various other assignments, it was only fair to celebrate the end of the year by showcasing our work.

And by drinking good wine and socialising of course!

The day started with a Round Table on Publishing Research, including PhD and MRes Publishing students like Maxine Branagh, Paul Docherty, Carol Mango, Rachel Noorda, Anna Kiernan, Stevie Marsden and Louisa Preston, who gave a talk about their respective fields of expertise and about the projects they are undertaking.

The Round Table was chaired by Claire Squires, Director of the Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication.

Afterwards we had the chance to admire our publishing projects, while inspirational talks by our peers, Liam Crouse and Laura Jones and by Christoph Chesher were the finishing touch to a delightful day.

 My IMG_2442project is an illustrated collection of my fantasy fiction short stories, titled ‘Tales from the Moon’.

Keisha‘s project is a humorous approach on the teacher’s life and on various funny incidents that could happen inside a classroom.IMG_2432


Alexis project is a compilation of her ‘macabre’ poetry, which contains elements from an anatomy lecture!IMG_2435

Ana created a children’s book in Braille, with riddles that rhyme and with illustrations as the answers.IMG_2438

Fanny, paid a tribute to her beloved Jane Austen by creating an illustrated anthology of the ‘romances the acclaimed author never wrote’.


Aija demonstrated with her project how you can fight post natal depression through the photographic lens.IMG_2450

IMG_2452Clem’s project is a First World War romance novel, written by her, while Laura (Jones) put together a literary tattoo project, full of wonderful pictures.IMG_2456

Jana developed her project as an app; a children’s book about the Arthurian legends.IMG_2460

IMG_2464Rosie created a children’s book as well, one full of flowers and bees!

Min wrote and published poems about autumn, while Lim created a delicious cookery book with Chinese recipes.IMG_2468


IMG_2471Monidipa developed a web magazine about fantasy and sci-fi fiction and Liam created an app with Gaelic poetry.IMG_2474

Vidhya’s project is a travel book about her hometown, Chennai in India.


IMG_2481Laura (Muir), developed a web magazine about tattoos, and lastly Dana created a children’s book starring the most iconic detective of all times, Sherlock Holmes!IMG_2483

Scottish Publishing and Independence

May 14th, 2014 by | Posted in Blog | Comments Off on Scottish Publishing and Independence
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Scottish publishing and independenceSarah Boyd, an MLitt in Publishing Studies student at Stirling, has just had an article on ‘Scottish Publishing and Independence’ published in the journal Logos.

In the article, Sarah examines the challenges and opportunities for publishing if Scotland were to vote for Independence in the forthcoming referendum. It addresses key considerations, including the prospect of operating in a newly autonomous country, examining issues such as VAT, currency, content and market visibility.

The article originally was created as a course assignment for the MLitt in Publishing Studies. Professor Claire Squires, Director of the Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication, said: ‘We’re delighted that this article has been published. Our Centre is international in terms of where our students come from and where they end up working, but we’re also deeply immersed in and networked with the Scottish publishing environment. Sarah’s article makes a strong, unbiased contribution to the debate about whether Scottish publishing would be better served within existing UK frameworks, or within an independent Scotland or – indeed – whether it might be the case that not that much would change.’

The full article can be read here (with thanks to Logos for permission to reproduce the article).

Carolyn Khamete Mango, MRes Publishing Studies 2014-2015

May 14th, 2014 by Carolyn Khamete Mango | Posted in Student Profiles | Comments Off on Carolyn Khamete Mango, MRes Publishing Studies 2014-2015
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247009_10151418690816662_1156767516_nMy name is Carolyn Khamete Mango from Nairobi, Kenya, famed for cross country athletics and one of   the wonders of the world, The Maasai Mara Game Reserve. Over the years I have helped people write by virtue of my vast experience as an editor. However, I did not think I would get a challenge in writing about myself! Nevertheless, here I am.

I am at the University of Stirling undertaking a MRes in Publishing Studies, having won the esteemed and competitive Commonwealth Scholarship. This is my second scholarship. My first was awarded to me by the Government of Kenya to study a Bachelors Degree in Educational Studies at this same university.

I joined publishing from teaching because I wanted to be more involved in curriculum interpretation and preparation of quality teaching materials.

Back in Kenya I work as a Chief Editor in charge of humanities. I am also a gender officer, a post I was appointed in line with global and local legal frameworks in empowering women and promoting gender equality in all sectors of the economy. Multitasking in two departments (editorial and human resources) required that I  enhance my management skills. Therefore,  I studied a Higher Diploma in Human Resources Management.

Choosing the University of Stirling to study publishing was exciting because it was like going back home having studying for my undergraduate here. I also wanted to experience the vibrant Scottish and to a large extent the British publishing scene. I hope to fortify my experience and knowledge in book publishing and in management issues of book publishing firms. I am interested in joining the few female decision-makers in the publishing industry.

I am an accomplished Gospel artist having collaborated with other musicians back in Kenya to record music. Prior to coming to Scotland I had released my debut album called, My Healer. Recently I have felt this nudge to be a writer so I hope that by the end of my programme, I will have a clear direction on where to start. I might just write about my journey with breast cancer and how I came out of it victoriously.