Stirling’s own book festival, Off The Page, runs this year from 6–14 September. Now in its eighth year, Off The Page has consistently showcased the writing and creative talents of authors and poets from the Stirling area and beyond. The week-long festival is run in partnership with Creative Scotland, the country’s arts investment engine and provides an eclectic mix of speakers, readings and workshops for children and adults.
Highlights this year include Richard Holloway at The Tolbooth on Monday September 9, and Kaye Adams in conversation with Janice Galloway, also at The Tolbooth on Tuesday September 10. The festival always devotes a session to the subject of ‘how to get published’ and this year Stirling Centre for International Publishing and Communication hosts a debate in The Tolbooth Attic on Saturday September 7 which will explore the value of social media in helping authors raise their profiles and sell content. The panel consists of publisher Adrian Searle (Freight Books and Gutter magazine); agent Mark Stanton (Jenny Brown Associates); and author and newly appointed University of Stirling creative writing lecturer, Meaghan Delahunt. Apart from these events there are numerous smaller workshops and talks in local libraries and the Tolbooth Attic, including readings from local writers, Fiona Gibson and Jane Harris.
For full listings, see